Award Nominations

2025 NOMINATIONS opening April 28th

For any queries regarding the SPAWA awards, please contact


Eligibility Criteria

To be nominated, an individual must:

  • Be working as a School psychologist, School Psychologist Consultant, Lead School Psychologist/Lead Psychologist, or Chief Psychologist in the Department of Education WA, Catholic Education WA or Independent sector.

  • Be a member of SPAWA, but not on the Committee of the Association. Those nominated who are not members will be given the opportunity to join prior to nominations going to the panel.

  • Be aware of the nomination as the nominee is expected to be present at the award ceremony.

  • Be within their first five years of working as a school psychologist (for Early Career nominations).

  • Have more than five years’ experience working as a school psychologist (School Psychologist of the Year nominations)

nomination procedure

The nomination process requires a nominator and endorser. Either the nominator or endorser should be a lead school psychologist/lead psychologist or equivalent. If there is not a lead psychologist able to endorse, please contact to discuss options. Please ensure the endorser is aware of the nomination. SPAWA recommends the nominator and endorser collaborate to complete the nomination form.

STAGE 1: Nominator submits the completed nomination form addressing the
                  awards criteria via Microsoft Forms link (refer award subcategory page for link).

STAGE 2: Endorsement by the school psychologist's professional leader
               (i.e., lead school psychologist/lead psychologist), school-based leader or equivalent
                SPAWA will contact the endorser via email.

Please note the nomination procedure for the Gostelow Excellence in Leadership Award differs slightly. Please refer to the subcategory page for more information.

Nomination tips

  • Work collaboratively where possible with the school psychologists line manager and/or school administration leader

  • When addressing the criteria, emphasise the school psychologist's skills by incorporating specific examples employing the Situation, Action, and Outcome (SAO) framework.

  • We recommend the information on your forms nomination is saved in an alternative document (e.g. Microsoft Word) before it is submitted. Once you begin the nomination form, it cannot be saved.

  • A thorough and well considered nomination will support the panel to rate each criterion and determine the top candidate.

Selection and notification

A panel of reviewers (including the SPAWA President or delegate, a primary school and high school representative) will read and rate the nominations and determine the top candidate. Any potential conflict of interest will be declared before proceeding. All candidates will be informed of the outcome via email.

Award presentation

All SPAWA awards are presented at the Annual Gala Awards night.

Award Prize

The award winner will receive SPAWA membership for one year, 1 x ticket to attend the SPAWA 2025 Awards Night, free registration at the next SPAWA Conference, a cash prize, a crystal plaque award and a certificate of recognition.