Contact Us
For all general contact regarding the SPAWA committee, please contact us at and these will be forwarded to the relevant committee member. Please refer below for information regarding Research and Professional Learning advertisement queries.
Email contact details for the 2022/23 Committee:
Office Bearers
Sharon Declerck (President)
Jess Hatton (Secretary)
Sarah Morphett (Membership Secretary)
Research RECRUITMENT Advertisement
SPAWA is unable to advertise recruitment processes for research at this time.
In Western Australia, there are three organisations that employ school psychologists. These organisations may be better suited to support your recruitment efforts and can be contacted directly:
Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA) -,
Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) -,
Department of Education (DOE) -
Completed research articles may be considered by SPAWA for inclusion in SPAWA’s affiliate journal, Australian Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (APACS), and/or the SPAWA newsletter. Additionally, SPAWA provides opportunities for professional learning through member webinar events, this platform may be considered appropriate for sharing published research. Please contact if you would like to discuss this opportunity upon completion of your research.
Professional Learning Advertisement
SPAWA seeks to connect, inform and inspire members through sharing of resources and professional learning opportunities relevant to the profession.
We are always interested in exploring SPAWA member benefits for upcoming professional learning events and being able to share upcoming opportunities with our members. Please contact to discuss further.
Connect with us
SPAWA Members Facebook Group
We have a SPAWA members only private Facebook group. Administered by SPAWA, it provides valuable access to a large community of school psychologists.
To join the group, you must be a member. Please send a request to join the group.
Tips for users:
At all times adhere to the professional APS Code of Ethics and general principles of Respect, Propriety and Integrity.
Prior to sending an post, first consider whether the group is the most appropriate forum for your request.
When requesting advice for specific cases, be mindful of confidentiality.
Adhering to these protocols ensures that you will enjoy ongoing access to the group.
Disclaimer: ** The topics covered and views expressed by individuals on the SPAWA members group page do not necessarily represent the views of SPA WA